This nodal adds parametric controls of high and low lights, and additional adjustment of luminous and chromatic contrast in S-shaped, usual way to achieve a "pleasant tone".
To use a Color Surface it is recommended to use only the Gamma control of any of the nodes.
This node adds more "saturation" controls.

This node works in the Y'UV "colorspace" an inaccurate terminology which actually defines that the node works under another color encoding, or what is also understood as a color model.

This nodal is useful for removing chromatic aberrations at high frequencies. This optical problem is usual to find around overexposure zones, where white seems to be surrounded by a purple border.
This border can also be seen in other colors, and the nodal will serve for any of the colors caused by the aberration, adding more points in the curve Hue vs. Sat.

This nodal is useful to be able to boost the contrast only in the low spatial frequencies.
In this way, you can up the contrast without crisping the details of textures, located at a higher spatial frequency.