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Chroma Tweak | Edi Walger

Chroma Tweak


This node adds more "saturation" controls.

This node works in the Y'UV "colorspace" an inaccurate terminology which actually defines that the node works under another color encoding, or what is also understood as a color model.

When changing a work mode node, the color space does not really change (if you work in Rec.709, this node will not modify the working gamut for example).

It has inhibited the influence on the Y channel (Channel 1), thus restricting its action on chromaticity, expressed by the UV components.

For correct operation, the Lum Mix parameter must be set to zero.

The user can modify Gain as ordinary saturation control but also can edit Gamma to alter the values of low saturation with greater influence.

To keep the most saturated values unchanged, it is necessary to increase Gamma and lower Gain in the proper proportion.

This node can then be controlled by a Color Surface.

Link to the node here.

Martes, 21 Mayo, 2019